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Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

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The Queen's Baton Relay

Join in the celebrations in Lincolnshire on 10 & 11 July

The Birmingham 2022 Queen’s Baton Relay will be visiting Lincolnshire during its final journey through England this summer.

Queen's Baton Relay

Birmingham are hosting the 16th official Queen’s Baton Relay – a journey which brings together and celebrates communities across the Commonwealth during the build-up to the Games.

The Queen’s Baton Relay is a tradition that celebrates, connects and excites communities from across the Commonwealth during the build-up to the Games.

The final stretch of the journey will see The Queen’s Baton travel the length and breadth of England before concluding at the Opening Ceremony of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games on 28 July 2022.

A busy schedule of activities and events are planned for the Queen’s Baton Relay, with opportunities to highlight untold stories from Batonbearers who are striving for change in their community.

The East of England is the third stop on the Baton's journey, and on the 10th July, it will be in Lincoln, before moving to Grantham, Skegness and Boston on the 11 July.

Join the celebrations

Members of the public are encouraged to get involved with the celebrations and embrace the arrival of the Baton, taking the opportunity to experience the buzz of Birmingham 2022 in their community.

Where you can join in the celebrations:

10 July/ Lincoln

A busy schedule of activities and events are planned for the Queen’s Baton Relay’s visit to the Lincoln with key locations being the International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC), the LNER Stadium, Lincoln Stonebow, Lincoln High Street, Steep Hill and Lincoln Cathedral.

Active Lincolnshire are working with the International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC) to provide a free public event from 3pm – 6pm featuring fun, free family friendly activities to join in with – come and have a go!

Timings for the Baton arriving are:

  • Approx. 5.13pm, International Bomber Command Centre
  • Approx. 5.34pm, LNER Stadium
  • Approx. 6.05pm Steep Hill to Lincoln Cathedral

Please note timings are subject to change please visit the Lincoln City Council Website to stay up to date and for more details.

11 July/ Skegness, Boston and Grantham


The Baton Relay will be visiting Skegness from 8am - 8.16am. The relay will be around the bandstand area in Tower Gardens, Skegness at 8am before heading to Altitude44 in Grand Parade for 15 mins, and leaving Skegness at 8.16am.


The Baton Relay will then move onto Boston with is passing through Boston Market Place & Church Street (St Botolph’s Church) between 9.16am – 9.22am.


The Baton Relay will arrive in Grantham at around 10.15am with a route around the town starting and finishing at the Wyndham Park Visitor Centre.

It will travel through the town's historic quarter, starting along Redcross Street and turning left along the length of Castlegate past the King's School where Sir Isaac Newton was educated, St Wulfram's Church and the National School. It then turns left again onto Avenue Road, to its junction with the Riverside Walk, following the River Witham back to Wyndham Park. Road closures will be in place along the route.

The schedule of activity for the Baton's time in Grantham includes a Commonwealth-themed sports event for all ages in Wyndham Park following the Relay and organised by Inspire+ along with SKDC.

Find out more about events in Grantham on the South Kesteven District Council website.

To find out more about the Queen's Baton Relay visit www.birmingham2022.com/qbr.