Active Skills Hub
Supporting Lincolnshire's sport & physical activity workforce
Find guidance and support to help you recruit, retain and build a strong volunteers network within your community.
Helping everyone to make a difference.
At Active Lincolnshire, we’re committed to supporting volunteers across the county. As well as upskilling new volunteers and signposting to local opportunities, we work with a range of partner organisations and educational settings to improve the volunteering experience.
We know that volunteers work incredibly hard to help run activities and events. That's why we have an Unsung Hero award’ at the Lincolnshire Sport and Physical Activity Awards, shining a spotlight on the dedication of local volunteers. The award recognises those that have made outstanding contributions to their club or activity, regularly committing their time and energy to keep things running smoothly.
Volunteers make up the majority of the workforce for clubs and activities, so they play a crucial role in making sure the activity runs smoothly. That's why it's important for clubs, groups and any other organisation that utilises volunteers to make sure they feel valued for the time and energy they commit.
Investing in your volunteers not only helps to retain your current workforce but also attracts new volunteers - giving you a larger, stronger team to help deliver your activity or event.
To make things easy, Buddle have produced a comprehensive toolkit to help clubs and groups recruit, train and develop their volunteer workforce.
Active Lincolnshire work closely with the Voluntary Centre Service - supporting volunteers, and voluntary and community organisations across Lincolnshire.
As well as operating accredited Volunteer Centres in Lincoln, Gainsborough and Sleaford that deal with over 2,000 volunteer enquiries each year, the Voluntary Centre Services can offer help to anyone wishing to set up a group, funding advice and access to news and networks in the voluntary and community sector.
They have an active team of invaluable volunteers working alongside staff to deliver services across our districts.
Join an upcoming Voluntary Sector Forum to share best practices and news from your local area, make connections and keep in touch with one another.
The Voluntary Centre Services host regular workshops throughout the year to support your voluntary or community organisation. Find an upcoming workshop and register your attendance.
Discover volunteering opportunities in the sport, physical activity and leisure sector across Lincolnshire, and help make a difference.