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Active Lincolnshire champion equality in Lincolnshire. Discover more about our work, what we do in tackling inequalities in physical activity and sport, and the research, insights and funding opportunities available to your sports club, school or organisation here.
Inequalities have always been a barrier to participation in physical activity. But within the first month of the coronavirus pandemic, it became clear the restrictions were exacerbating these barriers, significantly impacting the ability of under-represented groups to be physically active.
In May 2020, Sport England developed the Tackling Inequalities Fund as a response to these inequalities faced - a programme designed to help the sport and physical activity sector provide options to these groups, engaging them with physical activity. As part of Active Lincolnshire's role as an Active Partnership, our team were able to support and award funding. We distributee £248,000 from the Tackling Inequalities fund to 58 projects, helping over 10,200 people in Lincolnshire to be more physically active, and enjoy the associated benefits to health, wellbeing and community cohesion.
The Together Fund was launched in 2022 as a continuation of the Tackling Inequalities fund. We have distributed £198,682 of Together Fund grants to 41 organisations across Lincolnshire, on behalf of Sport England.
Continuing on from the Tackling Inequalities Fund, the Together Fund saw another £20 million of National Lottery funding committed nationally to help break down the barriers to accessing sport and physical activity and support those who have been disproportionately affected by the coronavirus pandemic. We distributed £198,682 of Together Fund grants to 41 organisations in Lincolnshire.
The programme funded projects that work with people within the community that often face barriers when it comes to accessing physical activity, focusing on:
Find out more about the projects the latest round of Together Fund has supported in Lincolnshire here.
The Together FundGet access to helpful resources that can support your organisation, school, community group or club in developing equality and inclusion into what you do.
Find helpful research and insights to help your school, organisation, community group or club tackle inequality in sport and physical activity and diversify your audiences.
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