Active Skills Hub
Supporting Lincolnshire's sport & physical activity workforce
Helping patients to improve their health, wellbeing and social welfare by connecting them to community services
Social prescribing connects patients to local services – such as sports, activity classes and volunteering opportunities – that can help them to feel better. It aims to address people’s needs in a holistic way and support individuals to take greater control of their own health.
People may visit their GP because they’re feeling stressed, depressed, have complex social needs or are feeling lonely and isolated. Often medication alone cannot fix these problems. Social prescribing link workers are available to create a shared plan for patients, helping them to understand their individual needs and build personal relationships.
In Lincolnshire, the social prescribing network is rapidly evolving and growing, with a wide range of link workers from Lincolnshire CVS and Voluntary Centre Services, as well as some primary care networks.
Watch this video from South Lincs Rural Primary Care Network as they share some of the benefits of Social Prescribing:
GP surgeries can make referrals directly. If you're not based in a GP surgery or you are an individual looking for social prescribing support visit Lincolnshire CVS website to find out more about the Self Referral process.
To find out more about social prescribing across the UK, visit the National Academy for Social Prescribing.
Find local activities to recommend or get involved with using the Let's Move Lincolnshire activity finder.
Physical activity is often not something a patient is seeking or realises they may benefit from – however, it can support a wide range of mental and physical health needs. That's why we support the local social prescribing network and link workers to connect patients with relevant physical activity opportunities, as well as providing advice to local sport and activity organisations about the services they can offer referrals.
At Active Lincolnshire, we work to:
If you’re a link worker, GP, healthcare professional or sport and activity provider and would like to learn more about social prescribing, please contact Donna Sutton.
Find local activities to recommend or get involved with using the Let's Move Lincolnshire activity finder.