Your Active Voice
Take our survey for the Lincolnshire sport and physical activity sector
We collect and interpret data about the activity levels of children in Lincolnshire so we can create opportunities that meet the needs of young people across the county.
Active Lives Children and Young People is a world-leading national survey by Sport England, designed to measure the attitudes, behaviours and activity levels of children aged 5-16. The survey provides everyone working with children insight into how active young people in Lincolnshire are – and what we can do to ensure that the provision of physical activity for children meets the needs of local communities.
Watch the video to find out more:
The Active Lives Children and Young People survey is an incredibly useful tool for schools. By helping headteachers and staff understand how their pupils are engaging with physical activity, the survey gives schools the chance to improve participation – which can have long-term positive effects on students’ behaviour, concentration, and overall physical and mental wellbeing. The report is private with only your school receiving it, with all data being anonymised in line with GDPR guidelines.
Along with this key data about your students, schools are offered a range of incentives to take part in the survey:
The survey also helps our team at Active Lincolnshire understand more about how young people across the county are engaging with sport – which means we can direct funding and support to the areas that need it most. Whether that’s improving access to physical education in secondary schools or developing new local facilities, your school’s participation directly supports us in our mission to get young people more active, more often.
Every year, over 100 schools across Lincolnshire are randomly selected to take part in the survey. As part of our role in education, Active Lincolnshire works with the selected schools to provide everything they need to complete the survey – including advice, information sheets and templates for letters to parents.
If your school has been selected, the head of school will be notified and Active Lincolnshire will contact you to help guide you through the process. The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete, and can be emailed to students to fill in at a time that suits them. The questions ask about their current levels of physical activity in school and at home, and have been altered to reflect the current climate.
There’s no need to sign up – if your school has been selected, we’ll get in touch to let you know what to do next. We hope you’ll consider taking part.
Thank you for helping us support young people in Lincolnshire.
Contact us for more information by emailing
See Lincolnshire’s Active Lives Children and Young People insight or visit Sport England's website for more information.
Data and insight about children and young people's activity levels can help with the creation of opportunities to be active for those that will benefit most.
Visit our Knowledge Hub to view the latest CYP insight.