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Physical activity is an essential part of any child’s development. That’s why Active Lincolnshire works with schools and teachers to make sure every child has access to positive physical activity opportunities. From the Lincolnshire School Games to events and training sessions, we support schools to offer a range of fun, inclusive activities to get children moving.
Find out how to get your school involved in Street Tag. This free app based physical activity initiative encourages children and their families to get active by turning their environment into a virtual challenge.
Discover information and guidance about inclusive sports and the importance of equity in physical education.
Learn more about the Opening School Facilities Programme allowing communities to access more physical activity opportunities.
Learn more about the School Games in Lincolnshire, including how to get your school involved.
Sign up to our dedicated School, Children and Young People Newsletter to get the latest news, guidelines and insights about physical education for children and young people straight to your inbox. For information about how we may store and use your data, please see our Privacy Notice