Active Skills Hub
Supporting Lincolnshire's sport & physical activity workforce
We welcome the news that the Government will continue their support for school sport funding, which includes £22 million for the nationwide network of School Games Organisers and more than £600 million for primary schools through the PE and Sport Premium.
Both sets of funding will provide much needed support lasting until the end of the 2024/2025 academic year. The funding will help to ensure that physical education and school sport create positive experiences for the children and young people across Lincolnshire.
The Government has also set out new standards for equal access to sports, making it clear that girls and boys should be offered the same sports during PE and extracurricular time in schools.
The full package announced includes:
Greg Brown, Children and Young People lead at Active Lincolnshire commented:
"Tackling inequalities is deeply rooted Sport England’s Uniting the Movement strategy and this continued funding allows school sport to offer equal access to both boys and girls and be inclusive to all.
This funding, coupled with the announcement of the Opening Schools Facilities programme is pivotal in harnessing the power of movement, sport and physical activity to make a positive impact on children and young people’s lives."
In order to provide schools with more details on what the funding announcement means for them, the Youth Sport Trust is hosting an online briefing on Tuesday 18 April. Please see the details below:
School Sport Funding Announcement – What it means for schools
Tuesday 18 April, 4pm to 5.30pm
The event will cover:
This event is open to all schools including members and non-members of the Youth Sport Trust. Follow the link to register here.