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In November 2023, Sport England published their intention to expand investment in ‘Place Partnerships’ to communities who need the most support to lead more active lives. This place-based approach to working has been tested by Sport England and their system partners over six years in twelve localities in England and the model is now being rolled out to 80 -100 places, including Lincolnshire.
Sport England have taken the strategic decision to position Active Partnerships to be the lead conveners of this work in each place.
Active Lincolnshire, as the local Active Partnership, is committed to fostering partnerships locally, driving change and influencing a whole system approach to addressing inactivity in communities furthest away from being active. Let’s Move Lincolnshire, the countywide strategy for physical activity, provides the framework to influence long term change across systems, policies and planning and our commitment is to provide coordination and collaboration for that work.
We don’t yet know exactly what the place partnership work will look like here in Lincolnshire. We are currently in the ‘development phase’ and working with Sport England and strategic partners to ensure we have the right conditions for this work to be successful. We will be engaging with wider partners and stakeholders as soon as we can, and the work will ultimately be led by and based on the needs of community.
What we do know is:
A more active population supports community cohesion, reduction in anti-social behaviour, reduces pressures on the local health care system, creates greater economic prosperity and ultimately a happier, healthier population.
If you think there is alignment and value to be added by your organisation working with Active Lincolnshire, please reach out and connect with us.
Please be mindful of the need for us to work at the pace of partners and of Sport England and that we are committed to ensuring that Lincolnshire sees the greatest possible benefit from this work, but that this is not about quick wins or us distributing funds. This is a journey of collaboration and working together to create system change that benefits the people of Lincolnshire.
Active Lincolnshire will provide further updates as and when the place partnership work evolves.
For further information:
Sport England Place Partnerships