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The School Games, which is free for primary and secondary schools to access, allows children and young people to take part in targeted opportunities to create positive experiences of sport and physical activity. Activities are based around their motivations, competence levels and confidence ensuring the environment is inclusive, accessible and meaningful.
Through our support of the School Games in Lincolnshire, Active Lincolnshire position tackling inequalities for children and young people at the forefront, working with and seeking opportunities to support our school games organisers. To truly develop a county School Games offer that is accessible, inclusive and provides positive experiences for all children and young people we support School Games organisers in various ways, providing insight, collaboration, meaningful connections, advocacy and support and advise where necessary.
Callum Woods and Ricky Pledger, the School Games organisers for the City of Lincoln and Lincoln and Gainsborough school sport partnerships respectively, have recently ran a successful event which used a variety of sporting activities to support and develop disengaged year 5/6 students at local primary schools.
Using their local knowledge and insight and through consultation with primary school staff members it was evident that there was a need for a project to support students who find it difficult to engage both in the classroom environment and during physical activity time. The end goal of the project was to create an environment away from the school setting to provide an opportunity for the children to access positive experiences and increase their engagement levels.
The event was run in collaboration with YMCA Lincolnshire, and provided a carousel of activities, including climbing, parkour & dodgeball. Over 50% of the students selected had special educational needs and disabilities, a group that we know from research are more likely to be less active. Creating events like this and utilising the YMCA’s appropriately trained staff in this area allowed maximum impact for the participants.
Ricky Pledger commented:
“Staff feedback has been fantastic, all staff from the schools have mentioned how beneficial the event has been for the children and young people involved. It allowed it to be a catalyst to move forward and progress engagement in the school environment”.
Callum Woods added:
“I noticed all the students who were reluctant to start with, left the event with a big smile of their face, they were more confident and determined to try new things after they had taken part in this event.
Find our more about the School Games and how your school can get involved here.