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Earlier this month we organised Active Bystander Training, delivered by NWG Network at Lincoln City Football Club.
The training was put on with the aim of helping those working in sport and physical activity sector in Lincolnshire to better understand and become more confident at safely and effectively intervening in harmful situations and challenging conversations that are not comfortable. Content included keeping children safe in sport, strategies to use to tackle discrimination/microaggressions in sport, intervention options and transformative conversations.
Active Lincolnshire's Sports Welfare Manager, Richard Bell organised the training as part of his work promoting good practice and safer sport for all.
Richard commented:
We’ve had really positive feedback on the day from delegates attending, who found the session really useful, and it was great to hear some of the NGB's attending are planning on delivering this training to their clubs after attending. The training has given attendees the confidence and techniques to challenge unacceptable behaviours without being confrontational. We'd like to thank NWG for delivering the training, and Lincoln City Football Club for hosting us.
Watch the video below to hear feedback on the training from Lincolnshire County Cricket.
If you'd like to learn more about being an active bystander, and why it is important Richard Bell has written a blog on the subject. Read it here.
If you'd like to express interest in attending a future edition of the training or would like to chat to him about safeguarding and welfare practices at your club, you can email Richard at: