Active Skills Hub
Supporting Lincolnshire's sport & physical activity workforce
Active Lincolnshire, as part of the Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy is delivering a 6-month project, funded by NHS Charities Together, that will provide positive experiences and accessible opportunities for Lincolnshire residents, of all ages, with long COVID to be active and benefit from the physical and mental health benefits that brings.
Working with Lincolnshire NHS organisations, and voluntary organisations such as Shine Lincolnshire and Every-one to bring the voices of residents with long COVID into the design and decision-making processes, we’ll be creating guidance and training resources for the physical activity and sport sector. This will widen their knowledge of the impacts of this health condition enabling them to adapt their activities and settings to be more supportive to residents with long COVID who want to be active either as beginners, or seeking to return to their previous habits.
Alongside development of online training courses and resources Active Lincolnshire will develop the Let’s Move Lincolnshire website and activity finder, to make it easier for residents and health practitioners to identify activities and opportunities facilitated or led by an upskilled workforce. Throughout the project we will be collecting inspiring stories from residents with long-covid, sharing the challenges they have faced and overcome to build physical activity into their daily lives.
A new digital resource is now available for people suffering with the effects of long COVID, and for their friends and families.
Working alongside local people with long COVID, organisations in Lincolnshire came together to develop the long COVID information hub, in particular health organisations, Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) Lincolnshire Connect to Support and voluntary sector organisations.
The hub provides guidance and information on long COVID and gives links, documents and videos to help people with symptom management and signpost them to further help.
The long COVID information hub includes videos from people who have experienced long COVID, sharing their stories, as well as pages on financial support and help at work. There are sections for children and young people, activities to help with symptoms and contacts for further support and advice.
The hub, funded through an NHS Charities Together grant is hosted on a Lincolnshire Connect to Support webpage.