Your Active Voice
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We post articles about events, campaigns, physical activity updates and insight.
09 August 2021
The annual Sport & Physical Activity Awards will be held on Thursday 11th November, and Active Lincolnshire is inviting nominations for individuals, groups and organisations to be submitted online until midnight on Tuesday 31 August.
More29 July 2021
A funding opportunity tackling inequalities that brought Lincolnshire together at a time when we all had to stay apart - here's our story so far.
29 July 2021
Sport has the ability to unite people, create commonality, generate happiness and inspire and the Tokyo Olympics has provided many moments of inspiration so far.
More29 July 2021
A message from Emma Tatlow, CEO, about the new Sport England strategy and the refreshed Active Lincolnshire brand.
More16 July 2021
Being more active can do wonders for our mental health- including its remarkable ability to help reduce stress.
More16 July 2021
Thanks to the Active Lives Children & Young People survey we can see just how active young people across the county are.
More15 July 2021
Events like these remind us all why sport and physical activity are important for all and of the powerful effect it has to bring people together, create new friendships and promote a healthy mind as well as a healthy body.
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