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We post articles about events, campaigns, physical activity updates and insight.
26 October 2022
Wragby Warhammers Baseball Club have been awarded a £1150 grant from Sport England's Together Fund.
More21 October 2022
In this blog we look at how, as part of the Let's Move Lincolnshire Strategy, we're working with partners to remove the barriers that prevent people from being active and create positive environments that allow everyone to be active in the ways they choose regardless of ability, background, gender, bank balance or postcode.
More13 October 2022
We're excited to announce the finalists for the 18th annual Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards, sponsored by Lincoln Water Park.
More07 October 2022
It has been yet another challenging year for our communities and for the sport, physical activity and leisure sector as we continue to see the detrimental impact of the pandemic playing out in so many ways. Read our annual report to discover how we have been working with partners and the impact we have made to the sector.
More05 October 2022
Active Lincolnshire Project Lead, Donna Sutton blogs about her return to work following maternity leave, including how she will use her own lived experience to advocate for the positive role physical activity can play during pregnancy and on postnatal health in her work in this area.
More28 September 2022
Active Lincolnshire, as part of the Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy is delivering a 6-month project , funded by NHS Charities Together, that will provide accessible opportunities for Lincolnshire residents with long COVID to be active and benefit from the physical and mental health benefits physically activity brings.
More28 September 2022
Tonic Health have been awarded a grant of £4,860 from Sport England's Together Fund. The funding will allow Tonic Health to provide a range of equipment encouraging different physical activity opportunities for the groups they work with.
More25 September 2022
A growing number of elite female athletes have been talking honestly about the affects of menstruation on sport and calling for more funding into research in this area. As part of our Women and Sports series we look at why menstruation is such a taboo subject still in sport and physical activity at every level.
More21 September 2022
Darkside Rising C.I.C., a non-profit organisation delivering a range of programmes to support women’s strength, health and empowerment has been awarded Together Funding for two projects.
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