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19 December 2022
Agile Systems is one of the six-strands of the county’s 10-year Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy, which is supporting everyone in Lincolnshire to lead, and benefit from, active lives. This strand is about working together to tackle big issues and inequalities faced by residents in accessing and benefitting form physical activity. Find out more about our work in this areas in this update.
More19 December 2022
Greg Brown, Children and Young People lead at Active Lincolnshire, writes about how we are taking a collaborative approach to creating positive experiences of sport & physical activity for Children and Young People in Lincolnshire.
More12 December 2022
Matt Evans gives an update on our work embedding physical activity within the health system in Lincolnshire, looking at how connections within the Social Prescribing world have unlocked opportunities for conversations in the Musculoskeletal (MSK) clinical pathway.
More12 December 2022
Donna Sutton provides an update on our recent session with Dr Marlize De Vivo, from the Active Pregnancy Foundation.
More09 December 2022
In this guest blog from One You Lincolnshire, Nigel Stephenson reviews their MOVE-ember challenge and looks ahead to the Heart & Sole Programme they are launching in January.
More08 December 2022
Find out more about Ann Riddell - winner of the Health and Wellbeing Award at this year's Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards.
More02 December 2022
Following the exciting announcement at the end of October that we have been able to release further funding to extend the Together Fund, our Together Fund Lead, Ian Brown, recently hosted an 'Update, Advice & Guidance Webinar' to support more clubs to be able to make use of the Together Fund. We are aware not everyone was able to attend this workshop so the presentation slides and recording off the session are available below.
More01 December 2022
Active Nation, Lincoln have been awarded a £5000 grant from Sport England's Together Fund to set up a new parkrun in the north of Lincoln.
More01 December 2022
The Ever Young Club, (SPOTS) in Spalding have been awarded a grant of £3277 from Sport England's Together Fund to enable them to deliver twice-weekly exercise classes in their venue.
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