About us

Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

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Latest news and blogs.

We post articles about events, campaigns, physical activity updates and insight.

Lincolnshire Celebrates Two Years of Uniting the Movement
Lincolnshire Celebrates Two Years of Uniting the Movement

26 January 2023

Lincolnshire Celebrates Two Years of Uniting the Movement

It’s been two years since Sport England launched their 10-year strategy Uniting the Movement with its ambition to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.

Lincolnshire Tennis Awarded Together Fund Grant to Support Wheelchair Tennis
Lincolnshire Tennis Awarded Together Fund Grant to Support Wheelchair Tennis

26 January 2023

Funded Projects
Lincolnshire Tennis Awarded Together Fund Grant to Support Wheelchair Tennis

Lincolnshire Tennis (part of the LTA) have been awarded a £4930 grant from Sport England's Together Fund. The funding distributed by Active Lincolnshire, will support their Tennis for All project, enabling the development of wheelchair tennis opportunities in the county through the purchase of tennis wheelchairs.

Lincolnshire County Council Awarded Grant to Support Inclusive Physical Activity as Part of HAF Programme
Lincolnshire County Council Awarded Grant to Support Inclusive Physical Activity as Part of HAF Programme

26 January 2023

Funded Projects
Lincolnshire County Council Awarded Grant to Support Inclusive Physical Activity as Part of HAF Programme

Lincolnshire County Council has been awarded a Together Fund Grant of £4,247 to support delivery of fun and inclusive physical activity sessions to children as part of the Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF).

Is the Rising Tide of Cost-of-Living Going to Overwhelm Inactivity Interventions?
Is the Rising Tide of Cost-of-Living Going to Overwhelm Inactivity Interventions?

26 January 2023

Is the Rising Tide of Cost-of-Living Going to Overwhelm Inactivity Interventions?

In this blog, Active Lincolnshire Director of Transformation, Lorna Leach, discusses the detrimental impact the cost of living crisis is having on activity levels, and the sport and physical activity sector; Considering how we can work with stakeholders and partners to tackle this huge challenge.

LSPAA Winner Profile - Eloise Rimmer
LSPAA Winner Profile - Eloise Rimmer

16 January 2023

Awards & Events
LSPAA Winner Profile - Eloise Rimmer

Eloise Rimmer won the Active Community Award, sponsored by Skegness Gateway, at this year’s Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards for her work forming a social netball group for Dunholme and Welton.

Understanding the Economic Impact and Future Potential of Greater Lincolnshire’s Sport, Physical Activity & Leisure Sector
Understanding the Economic Impact and Future Potential of Greater Lincolnshire’s Sport, Physical Activity & Leisure Sector

12 January 2023

Understanding the Economic Impact and Future Potential of Greater Lincolnshire’s Sport, Physical Activity & Leisure Sector

Today, Active Lincolnshire, Active Together and Active Humber release the results of a 5-month study into the Sport, Physical Activity and Leisure Sector of Greater Lincolnshire and Rutland. The research conducted by Lincolnshire Open Research and Innovation Centre (LORIC) found that the sector has a combined Gross Value Added (GVA) of approximately £788 million, which could grow to £804 million over the next 4 quarters if current productivity trends are maintained.

LSPAA Winner's Profile - Carl Wall
LSPAA Winner's Profile - Carl Wall

05 January 2023

Awards & Events
LSPAA Winner's Profile - Carl Wall

Carl Wall won the Volunteer Commitment Award sponsored by Leon James Personal Trainer at the Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards 2022. Find out more about his work volunteering at Woodhall Spa Cricket Club.

Fighting Fit Profile
Fighting Fit Profile

05 January 2023

Awards & Events
Fighting Fit Profile

In this article we shine a light on the Fighting Fit programme. A finalist in the Health & Wellbeing category at the Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards 2022, the project supports those living with cancer to be active.

Spalding Mencap Society Awarded Together Fund Grant
Spalding Mencap Society Awarded Together Fund Grant

04 January 2023

Funded Projects
Spalding Mencap Society Awarded Together Fund Grant

Spalding Mencap Society have been awarded a grant of £1356 from Sport England's Together Fund.


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