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We post articles about events, campaigns, physical activity updates and insight.
21 March 2023
Jubilee Park Woodhall Spa Ltd has been awarded a grant of £4698 from Sport England’s Together Fund, to help them provide subsidised fitness sessions for people with a Long Term Health Condition.
More20 March 2023
Caythorpe Primary School won the Active School Award, sponsored by Lincolnshire Agricultural Society, at the Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards 2022. The school were recognised for their work going above and beyond to encourage every pupil within the school to be involved in physical activity inside and outside of school.
More16 March 2023
Dance Free won the Innovation award at the Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards 2022. We found out more about the project through founder Hannah Green.
More09 March 2023
We welcome the news that the Government will continue their support for school sport funding, which includes £22 million for the nationwide network of School Games Organisers and more than £600 million for primary schools through the PE and Sport Premium.
More08 March 2023
Active Lincolnshire has been awarded £989k of Opening School Facilities investment from the Department for Education, to support Lincolnshire schools to open their facilities for local community and pupils to use, for sport and other physical activities, outside of the normal school day.
More08 March 2023
Cissy Radford, Football Development Officer (Women and Girls) for Lincolnshire Football Association shares her thoughts on creating sustainable football for girls and why this matters so deeply for the growth of the women and girls’ game.
More08 March 2023
Kristen Ingraham-Morgan won the Contribution to Children & Young People Award, sponsored by Lincoln Water Park, for the Strong Girl Squad Project at the Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards 2022.
More08 March 2023
As a member of the Active Mums Lincolnshire Network, Emma was supported by Active Lincolnshire to start up a weekly Buggy Push in the village. Read a case study of the project.
More06 March 2023
In partnership with the Long Covid stakeholder group, we have developed guidance for supporting people with Long-Covid to be active and benefit from the physical and mental health benefits that brings.
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