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24 May 2023
We are happy to announce that we are bringing Street Tag to Lincolnshire, to help people easily access physical activity and develop their active lifestyle. In particular, the partnership will look at how to overcome the barriers that stop people from getting active, such as poor transport, safety, cost, and confidence.
More18 May 2023
Members of Active Lincolnshire staff, Ian Brown (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Manager) together with Angus Drew and Richard Sargent who work on our Wheelchair Sport Programme, take to the court this weekend (Saturday 20th & Sunday 21st May) in the National Championship Finals 2022/23.
More18 May 2023
Bracebridge Boxing Club have been awarded a Together Fund Grant of £5306 to help more people engage with boxing based activities.
More15 May 2023
Paul Barron CBE D.Sc. has been appointed as the new Chair of Active Lincolnshire. Paul becomes the fourth new member of the board this year joining alongside Neal Juster, Michael Morris and Sarah-Jane Mills who together complete the eleven strong board that supports the charities core work.
More29 April 2023
Wright Vigar won the Workplace Wellbeing Award at the Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards 2022. The award champions Lincolnshire employers, from any sector, who have excelled in supporting the physical wellbeing of their staff through encouraging and facilitating active lifestyles and an active work environment; whether this be at home or in the place of work.
More28 April 2023
We are delighted to welcome Rachel Edwards to the Active Lincolnshire team, as Active People & Place Manager. Rachel is with us to cover the secondment of Matt Evans
More27 April 2023
The latest Adult Active Lives Survey shows Activity levels for adults in England increased last year and have bounced back to where they were before the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
27 April 2023
LincolnBasketball won the Outstanding Contribution to Sport & Physical Activity Award, sponsored by Leonardo, at the Lincolnshire Sport & Physical Activity Awards 2022. Read more about their work in our winner's profile.
More26 April 2023
We are delighted to have distributed £198,682 of Together Fund grants to organisations across Lincolnshire, on behalf of Sport England, helping those groups of people whose activity levels were hardest hit by the Covid pandemic.
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