About us

Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

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We post articles about events, campaigns, physical activity updates and insight.

School Games Case Study:  Skegness School Sports Partnership Swimming
School Games Case Study:  Skegness School Sports Partnership Swimming

04 September 2023

Case Studies
School Games Case Study: Skegness School Sports Partnership Swimming

The Skegness School Sports Partnership collaborated with leisure centres and local schools to provide targeted swimming support for identified year 6 pupils. The programme was aimed at children form low socio-economic backgrounds and for those with special educational needs and disabilities.

School Games Case Study: Creating positive experiences for disengaged children
School Games Case Study: Creating positive experiences for disengaged children

04 September 2023

Case Studies
School Games Case Study: Creating positive experiences for disengaged children

This case study looks at how Callum Woods and Ricky Pledger, the school games organisers for the City of Lincoln and Lincoln and Gainsborough school sport partnerships have recently ran a successful event which used a variety of sporting activities to support and develop disengaged year 5/6 students at local primary schools.

School Games Case Study:  Wolds School Sport Partnership
School Games Case Study:  Wolds School Sport Partnership

04 September 2023

Case Studies
School Games Case Study: Wolds School Sport Partnership

This School Games case study looks at a project supporting children with special needs and disabilities and those from low socio-economic groups in their ability and confidence to swim.

Let’s Move Lincolnshire! Active Lincolnshire welcomes new national strategy to help get more people active by 2030
Let’s Move Lincolnshire! Active Lincolnshire welcomes new national strategy to help get more people active by 2030

30 August 2023

Let’s Move Lincolnshire! Active Lincolnshire welcomes new national strategy to help get more people active by 2030

Active Lincolnshire welcomes the Government’s new national strategy to help get more people active by 2030; ‘Get Active: A strategy for the future of sport and physical activity’.

School Games Case Study: Intensive Swim Programme in Boston
School Games Case Study: Intensive Swim Programme in Boston

17 August 2023

Case Studies
School Games Case Study: Intensive Swim Programme in Boston

This case study looks at how School Games Organiser for the Boston and District school sport partnership , Matthew Haslam supported 357 year 6 pupils to develop their swimming competence and confidence through a two week intensive swimming programme.

Case Study Long COVID Training (One You Lincolnshire)
Case Study Long COVID Training (One You Lincolnshire)

09 August 2023

Case Studies
Case Study Long COVID Training (One You Lincolnshire)

For this case study, Luke Craggs, Physical Activity Coach at One You Lincolnshire describes how undertaking the free online Long COVID training has helped him to support the people he works with to increase their activity levels.

New training supports people with Long COVID to move more and feel better
New training supports people with Long COVID to move more and feel better

09 August 2023

New training supports people with Long COVID to move more and feel better

Health coaches and leisure centre providers from across Lincolnshire are among a range of professionals learning how they can support people with Long COVID to move more and feel better through physical activity.

Physical Activity Training Supports people to live longer and better
Physical Activity Training Supports people to live longer and better

31 July 2023

Physical Activity Training Supports people to live longer and better

Health and care professionals from across Lincolnshire are joining Active Lincolnshire and partners in a growing movement to get more people more active more often to help with the management of long-term health conditions.

Good Boost Sessions now available in new Lincolnshire Locations
Good Boost Sessions now available in new Lincolnshire Locations

13 July 2023

Good Boost Sessions now available in new Lincolnshire Locations

New sessions to support people in Lincolnshire to manage their joint, pain and health conditions are now available thanks to Together Fund grants distributed by Active Lincolnshire.


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