About us

Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

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Our Impact: 2021-2022

Our Impact: 2021-2022

It has been yet another challenging year for our communities and for the sport, physical activity and leisure sector as we continue to see the detrimental impact of the pandemic playing out in so many ways.

By working together with a shared ambition, we have a greater opportunity to create a meaningful impact, supporting people and places across Lincolnshire. The development of the ‘Let’s Move Lincolnshire’ strategy this past year has brought partners closer together. We have, together, developed a shared strategy to tackle the challenge of inactivity in Lincolnshire.

The strategy sets out to; enable people to remain mentally and physically well, to support more active environments and communities, to create closer links with physical activity and the health and care sector, and to deliver sector support so that our physical activity offer meets the needs of local people. You can find our refreshed Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy here: Let's Move Lincolnshire Strategy

Our strategy is driven by our commitment to tackle inequalities and our annual report highlights our work in this area. We are working hard to make sure that people who experience difficulty and face barriers in accessing physical activity can do so more easily.

Looking ahead, we will continue to work with partners to drive forward the implementation of the Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy. The ten-year strategy is one which will only be realised if we all commit to changing the way we work, connecting at system level and removing the barriers people face to being able to move more. We’ll continue to support those people facing greatest barriers to participation, and to support the sport, physical activity and leisure sector to recover and reinvent.

We now face a cost-of-living crisis which will further impact the sector and our residents who had already been negatively impacted by the pandemic. Working together has never been more important. Focusing on our communities and inclusive growth will ensure that our resource and capacity is invested in the right way, to ensure we make a difference.

Thank you to our dedicated Board of Directors and our team who are passionate about the difference we can make to the lives of people in Lincolnshire. Thanks also to Sport England for funding our core work.

See our full 2021-2022 Annual Report