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Health coaches and leisure centre providers from across Lincolnshire are among a range of professionals learning how they can support people with Long COVID to move more and feel better through physical activity.
Around 50 providers including Grantham Meres Leisure Centre in Grantham, One You Lincolnshire and Magna Vitae operating in East Lindsey have completed the free online training, which is hosted by Active Lincolnshire and was developed in collaboration with Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS), Connect to Support Lincolnshire, Shine and Every-One, and funded by NHS Charities Together.
Active Lincolnshire’s Health and Communities Manager, Rachel Edwards, said:
“The new training contains videos and practical guidance for providers of leisure and physical activities that equips them with the skills to support people with Long COVID to manage their health condition and regain their confidence and ability to undertake everyday living through moving more.”
The ideas in the guide are relevant for activities delivered in people’s own homes and a variety of settings found across Lincolnshire including community and village halls, care homes, schools, open spaces and other non-traditional physical activity venues.
The training course is part of a new digital Long COVID Information Hub which provides guidance and information on Long COVID and gives links, documents and videos to help people with symptom management and signpost them to further help.
The charity Every-One brought people with experience of Long COVID together with health organisations to identify what could help them, their families, friends, schools and employers with their recovery journey and the hub was developed after this feedback.
Vicky Thomson, Chief Executive Officer at Every-One, said:
“It became apparent whilst working alongside people with Long COVID that it wasn’t just themselves who needed access to support and resources. It was important to develop a digital hub that people’s families, carers, employers and schools could access too, so the person was fully supported in all aspects of their lives.”
The Long COVID Information Hub includes videos from people who have experienced Long COVID, sharing their stories, as well as pages on financial support and help at work. There are sections for children and young people, activities to help with symptoms and contacts for further support and advice.
Paula Duckworth, LCHS lead, said:
“The Long COVID Information Hub and training course are significant achievements, providing sources of information and support requested by those with lived experience of Long COVID.”
The Hub, funded through an NHS Charities Together grant, is hosted on a Connect to Support Lincolnshire webpage. Visit The Hub.
To sign up for the free online Long COVID and Physical Activity training course, visit our training page