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Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

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New Funding Available For Lincolnshire Schools To Open Up To Communities

New Funding Available For Lincolnshire Schools To Open Up To Communities

We are delighted to be able to share a new funding opportunity for schools, encouraging them to open their doors to their local community and provide access to facilities to help local residents have more opportunities to be active. The Opening Schools Facility funding forms a three year agreement to distribute nearly £1million to schools across Lincolnshire and support them in welcoming in the community onto their sites.

The new fund will be distributed through Active Lincolnshire with the funding being made available by the Department for Education.

The programmes core objectives are to support schools to open their facilities outside of the normal school day (evenings, weekends, and holidays) to allow children & young people and the wider community to access more opportunities to be physically active. This can include the opening of school swimming pools for swimming and water safety lessons both during and outside the school day for pupils at their school and for pupils at other local schools. Participants are provided with a range of stimulating and enjoyable opportunities to take part in physical activity and sport, in addition to that experienced within PE lessons and extra-curricular activities. This means new and additional extra-curricular activities are eligible. Following on from these sessions, people who take part will be given information about other local sessions so they can continue to take part in the same activity, or a similar one nearby.

This new funding programme is a fantastic opportunity for schools and communities to utilise local facilities and have more opportunities for children and adults to get involved in sports and physical activity.
Greg Brown, Children and Young Person Lead

To be eligible for this funding, schools should be prepared to open their existing school facilities, which can include school swimming pools, to a broader range of young people and the wider community; partnering with sporting organisations, who can help deliver in these spaces. The overall aim is to increase participation in sports, physical activity, and health and well-being programmes amongst pupils and in your local community.

The programme will be targeted to support schools with a high percentage of pupils who are; eligible for free school meals, from less affluent families, culturally diverse, and pupils with SEND.

To find out more about the programme please get in touch - communications@activelincolnshire.com

If you would like to enquire about funding for your school, contact Craig Mulhall - Craig.Mulhall@activelincolnshire.com