Active Skills Hub
Supporting Lincolnshire's sport & physical activity workforce
Active Lincolnshire have distributed a Together Fund grant of £2,825 to Lincoln Trident Swimming Club, to enable the club to introduce swimming to more people in the local area.
The Together Fund, which is being distributed by Active Lincolnshire in the County on behalf of Sport England, aims to help to reduce the negative impact of coronavirus on groups whose activity levels have been most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Founded in 2013, Lincoln Trident is a small Swimming Club providing supported development and training opportunities for swimmers in Lincoln. The club helps members to achieve their own personal goals in swimming, whether that is competing (Members have competed at all levels up to and including British Championships), improving their skills and/or swimming for fitness and health (including mental health). As a registered Charity, Lincoln Trident keep fees to a minimum and the club also have a hardship fund to subsidise training fees and to help anyone struggling to pay for swimming lessons, even if they are with another swim school. Through their Swim School they also provide facilities for adult swimming and learn to swim lessons at affordable prices.
The Together Fund grant will support the provision of additional regular taster training sessions twice per week, enabling school age children to try swimming over several sessions at no cost and to hopefully continue with it afterwards. The club will also provide stroke/skills clinics for swimmers to introduce them to the Club and help them improve their skills for longevity and to get maximum benefit to further encourage them to continue.
The club will work with local schools to target parents and carers of children and young people receiving free school meals. As the relationships develop over the sessions, attendees will be made aware of the hardship fund and the support available to them.
Find out more about the other programmes that the Together Fund is supporting in Lincolnshire here.