Active Skills Hub
Supporting Lincolnshire's sport & physical activity workforce
Active Lincolnshire have distributed a Together Fund Grant of £4,704 to Lincoln City Foundation to support the development of their Extra Time Hub - Care Home Project.
The project, which will support physical activity in care home residents, is one of many across Lincolnshire benefitting from the Together Fund. The funding is being distributed in the county by Active Lincolnshire on behalf of Sport England. The Together Fund exists to help to reduce the negative impact of coronavirus and support community groups and clubs working with our target audiences - whose activity levels have been most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic - to grow and enable more people to be more active.
Established in 2008, Lincoln City Foundation has a vision for happier, healthier, inspired communities across Lincolnshire. They deliver a range of programmes under the key areas of, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Community Cohesion, Education and Employability, and Sport and Physical Activity.
The Extra Time Hub - Care Homes project will support local care homes with the delivery of seated chair classes/low impact multisport sessions. The sessions will be delivered directly in the care homes using communal areas and will aim to engage as many residents as possible on a weekly basis. Physical activity levels are low amongst care home residents, and many have a long term health condition. The Covid pandemic meant that for a long time no external activities or providers have attended facilities.
The weekly sessions provided by this project will enhance activity minutes achieved per week, alongside improving overall quality of life for care home resident. The funding will cover the delivery cost of a Health and Wellbeing Leader to deliver at the care home venues.
The project follows on from the successful Extra Time Hub model, in which physical activity and social sessions are delivered for retired people in community venues.
Find out more about other projects in Lincolnshire benefiting from the Together Fund here.
image: LCF Seated exercise session at LNER stadium