About us

Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

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Let's Move Lincolnshire Strategy - Recover and Reinvent

Let's Move Lincolnshire Strategy - Recover and Reinvent

Recover and Reinvent

Launched in June 2022, the refreshed Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy is the county’s 10-year plan to support everyone in Lincolnshire to be more active. It’s a shared commitment to tackling the challenge of inactivity, with a focus on helping people who might find it difficult to access and engage with opportunities.

There are six key themes which make up the strategy, one of which is Recover and Reinvent.

Recover and Reinvent is focused on supporting the physical activity sector to recover following the impact of the pandemic, and to reinvent itself to better meet the needs of our diverse communities. Partners contributing to this strand include the public and private leisure facilities operators, sports clubs, national governing bodies, district councils, community organisation, professional sports clubs and their foundation arms, walk leaders, cycling instructors, coaching agencies, volunteers and independent coaches.

Three of the first pieces of work being delivered under this strand of the strategy are outlined below.

  1. Workforce Research. Gaining a deeper understanding of the physical activity and sport sectors current workforce and identifying the future workforce required to meet the needs of the local population. This research, being conducted by LORIC, will provide us with a grounding to develop programmes to grow and train the workforce in Lincolnshire.

  2. Let’s Move Lincolnshire Activity Finder and Website. Launched in 2021, the platform uses open data to collate opportunities to be active across the county into one easy to use place. We’re focusing our resources on increasing the quantity of opportunities listed, ensuring all places across Lincolnshire have opportunities on the platform and that the information on each listed activity is clear, so that residents and services using the platform to sign-post to opportunities can easily identify if the activity is suitable for different groups, abilities, health conditions, and disabilities.

  3. Support the physical activity and sport sector to better understand and adapt to the needs of less active residents. The Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy focuses on residents who are least likely to be active, these include women and girls, older adults, people with long-term health conditions and disabilities, residents from lower socio-economic backgrounds and ethnically diverse communities.

One of the ways we can measure the impact of our work is through the Moving Communities platform which provides a real-time view of the local authority leisure facilities performance and social value against the five government outcomes of physical health, mental health, individual development, community development and social development.

Lincolnshire’s Moving Communities data for the last 12 months tell us that 171,282 participants used public leisure facilities with a social value of £18,996,186 of which £3.8m is attributable to health outcomes. Digging into the Moving Communities participant data:

  • 6% were aged over 65,
  • 16.8% are from the top 20% deprived areas
  • 19% identified as disabled

Whilst this is not currently representative of Lincolnshire’s target communities, the strategic approach being taken through Let’s Move Lincolnshire will address this inequality of access and engagement.

Stakeholders from across the physical activity and sport sector have been pledging their commitment to Let’s Move Lincolnshire and we welcome anyone working to support residents to lead more active lives to also pledge the actions they’ll be taking.

Read the full Let's Move Lincolnshire Strategy here.