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We were delighted to return to Lincolnshire Show on 21st and 22nd June to host the Lets Move Lincolnshire Activity Zone. This year’s Activity Zone was one of the busiest and biggest yet, with visitors of all ages enjoying the opportunity to get active. We worked with partners across the county to bring a wide range of activities to the Zone and showcase the variety of physical activity opportunities available across the county.
Show visitors were able to try out a variety of activities, including football themed activities from Active Arena, and Lincoln City Foundation, outdoor climbing and parkour provided by YMCA Lincolnshire, and multi sports from inspire+, Everyone Active and Active Nation. First time exhibitors in the activity zone this year were the award winning Strong Girls Squad who offered weightlifting sessions and Transported who demonstrated their amazing aerial dance skills and allowed visitors to have a go at this exciting activity. We were also pleased to welcome Curious Theatre School who led short dance and drama sessions as well as treating visitors to some small performances from their talented students.
Lincolnshire Co-op's Health Hub provided visitors with free health checks, and One You Lincolnshire were on hand to chat about the healthy lifestyle support services they offer, as well as providing some fun with their bean bag throw and workout equipment.
Giant Store Lincoln was present to chat all things cycling with show visitors and allow anyone interested to try out one of their e-bikes. We were able to share information about Wheels for Life, the new bike donation scheme for Lincolnshire, which will take in pre-loved bikes and bring them back to usable condition, before distributing them to people who do not have the opportunity to enjoy the varied benefits of owning and using a bike.
Wheelchair Basketball once again proved a big hit with visitors of all ages at the show. We were pleased to welcome Lincoln City and Lincoln City Women players to come and have a go at this inclusive sport on both days of the show. The event was a wonderful chance to showcase our Wheelchair Sport Programme, which is the biggest of its kind in the UK. Our sessions bring together people of any fitness level or sporting ability, disabled or non-disabled, to all take part in wheelchair basketball.
The show also celebrated the launch of Street Tag in Lincolnshire with a special virtual trail around the showground. Street Tag is a free app for communities and schools that makes getting active fun. Participants earn points by collecting virtual tags, drop tags for other people to collect and get bonuses through challenges and finding hidden QR does and augmented animated characters. Visitors to the show were encouraged to download the Street Tag app, sign up on their local leaderboards, and find the special QR dotted around the show for bonus points.
Dominic Fieldhouse-Gray, Physical Activity Sector Lead at Active Lincolnshire commented:
We're hugely grateful to our partners, who have delivered a fantastic Activity Zone once again this year. Albeit a snapshot, the breadth of opportunity available to visitors is great showcase of the physical activity opportunities available to our county's residents of all ages, abilities and interests in both urban and rural communities.
Visitors were encouraged to find out more about the activities on offer, and directed to the Let’s Move Activity Finder to discover other ways to keep active in their local area.
We’d like to say thank you to all the partners who made this year’s activity zone such a huge success, as well as to the volunteers from Inspire+ who provided much needed support over a very busy two days.