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The latest Active Lives Adult Survey report from Sport England, shows that activity levels are starting to recover following large drops caused by coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic restrictions.
Covering the period between November 2020 and November 2021, the results show that while activity levels obviously dropped as a result of restrictions designed to stop the spread of the virus, they then stabilised and are now starting to recover.
Between November 2020 and November 2021, 61.4% of the population were active, and 27.2% were inactive. The recovery started in mid-March 2021 when there was a rise of 3% to 61.2% of the population getting active (between mid-March – mid-May), compared to just 58.2% 12 months earlier.
At a local level in Lincolnshire, the survey in shows that only 56.4% of adult residents meet the Chief Medical Officer (CMO) recommended 150+ minutes per week. The county is also 4.4% higher than the national average for inactive residents (those doing less than 30 minutes of activity per week).
We'll be sharing more in depth local analysis in coming weeks. We look forward to working with our strategic partners, stakeholders and communities across the county to achieve positive changes for residents through the Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy.
Find local insight from previous surveys and research on our knowledge hub.