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Emma Tatlow, Active Lincolnshire CEO introduces our Annual Report 2022/23
Active Lincolnshire’s Annual Report 2022 - 2023 is a review of the work of the charity from April 2022 to March 2023. With many months having passed since the end of the financial year we are reporting on, and the pace at which things move, we have already moved on significantly from the report. However, it is valuable and helpful to reflect on what has been achieved and in compliance with the Code of Sports Governance (Tier 3) we make this information available publicly to our stakeholders, funders, Trustees and any other interested parties.
The context of our work is shaped by the national Uniting the Movement strategy, led by Sport England. We are one of over 100 system partners working to deliver the strategy across the country. In Lincolnshire, we deliver the strategy according to local need, and that has shaped and informed the Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy.
Nationally and locally, our work focusses on tackling the inequalities that exist in relation to opportunities to be more physically active. It is well evidenced that some groups of people have less chance to be active. We work with partners to understand those barriers and influence and advocate for change to reduce them.
Some of the headlines from our work in 2022 to 2023 include:
In March 2023 Paul Barron was appointed as Chair and we give thanks to Mark Locking and Kate Truscott who have provided leadership, guidance and support to the charity in previous years.
We also welcomed new Trustees Michael Morris, Sarah-Jane Mills and Neal Juster to the Board. I would like to thank all of our Trustees who are volunteers and give up their time and provide their expertise and experience to support the strategic direction of the charity. You can find out more about our current Trustees here.
I would also like to thank all of the team working for Active Lincolnshire for working with such passion and commitment to the charity to create better outcomes for the sector and our community.
We couldn’t do what we do without the support of and connections to literally hundreds of organisations across the county. With 28,000 people working in the sport and physical activity sector in the county and over 1500 organisations and charities involved in providing options for people to be active, not to mention the other sectors we connect with to advocate and influence for physical activity, we don’t underestimate the wonderful web working to enable more people to be more active more often.
Follow the link below to read the report.
Follow the link to find out more about our work over the 2022/ 23 Annual Report