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We are pleased to be one of 36 organisations taking part in the innovative Leading for Renewal (LFR) programme. Now in its second year, LFR is a year long inclusion and diversity initiative, made possible by a partnership between Sport England and Inclusive Employers.
LFR has been designed for Sport England partners to help them meet the aspirations of Sport England's 10-year strategy, 'Uniting the Movement', which aims to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.
As the UK's leading experts in Inclusion & Diversity, Inclusive Employers are the perfect partner to deliver this programme. LFR has been considerately designed to embed inclusion and diversity into the core functions and corporate priorities of participating organisations, and on a wider platform contribute and underpin their Diversity and Inclusion Action Plans.
This goal is realised through LFR's three different programme tiers – Inclusive Leaders (for CEOs or equivalent), Inclusive Enablers (for Senior Managers), and Inclusive Influencers (for the wider workforce).
Each tier comprises webinars, events, toolkits and resources to support inclusion activity. The core messages and content are common across all three tiers but tailored to the specific roles and level of influence of participants and focused on delivering real inclusion progress at every level.
Active Lincolnshire is fully committed to embedding equality, diversity and inclusion across our organisation and work practices. The LFR training will support us to do this, increasing our awareness and understanding of diversity and inclusion, and enabling us to embed inclusion across all our programmes of work, including our goals for the Lets Move Lincolnshire Strategy.
Read our Inclusion, Diversity and Inclusion Statement and Policy.