Your Active Voice
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Whether you are participating in sport or physical activity at a local club, you are a volunteer, an elite athlete or a spectator, no one involved in sport and physical activity should ever have to worry about abuse or harassment.
If you have any concerns about the safety or welfare of a child, young person or vulnerable adult in a sporting or physical activity environment please use the 'useful contacts' details below.
If you'd like further support and advice on Safeguarding best practice and training for your group or club, you can get in touch with Richard Bell - our Welfare Manager.
Safeguarding refers to the process of protecting children and adults to provide safe environment and effective care.
This includes all procedures designed to prevent harm to anyone from any background.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
It includes:
• Protecting children and vulnerable adults from abuse and maltreatment
• Preventing harm to children’s and vulnerable adults health or development
• Ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
• Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.
Day time: 01522 782 111
Emergency (out of hours): 01522 782 333
The Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (LSCP), Lincolnshire Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB), Safer Lincolnshire Partnership (SLP) and the Lincolnshire Domestic Abuse Partnership recognise the unique role of Safeguarding Officers/Leads in the voluntary and third sector.
As organisational leaders, their responsibility is to ensure that they:
If you need any more information about the LSCP please email
Follow their Facebook Page here.
Any National Governing Body safeguarding leads looking to contact one of Lincolnshire County Council’s Local Area Designated Officer’s (LADO’s) can do so by calling:
Lincolnshire County Council Children’s Services LADO team on 01522 554 674.
Lead Safeguarding Officer Gemma Skaley – call 01522 730 325 or email
D Supt Jon McAdam
Head of Protecting Vulnerable Persons Unit
Tel: 01522 947 351
0800 1111
0808 800 5000
0116 234 7289
01872 225 629
Every sport and physical activity organisation is responsible for safeguarding their members. By having the right safeguarding practices in place, you can help protect the children and adults taking part in your activity, ensuring safe access for everyone.
As a club or coach you have a responsibility to act if you have any concerns about the behaviour of an adult or a child towards another child or vulnerable adult.
All adults, regardless of age, ability or disability, gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or transgender status have the right to be protected from abuse and poor practice and to participate in an enjoyable and safe environment.
You should always take immediate action by reporting your concerns if you are told by a child or vulnerable adult, or have reason to suspect, that abuse has or is taking place.
Report to your club welfare officer or contact our Lead Safeguarding Officer Gemma Skaley.
Things to remember:
To help ensure your club is running to the highest standards, please consult the below safeguarding resources.
We have collated resources and useful links for you to access to ensure you are providing the safest experience for anyone taking part in sport and physical activity.
Safeguarding: Sport England The basics
Children & young people
Club & coach
Online safety, social media & photography
Organisations that help support vulnerable groups
Safeguarding training
Visit our courses page to find see our upcoming courses, alternatively the UK Coaching website lists all courses available across the country.
In particular you may be interested in:
Useful advice and tips to help support Club Welfare Officers. Look out for more entries coming soon.
Learn best practice for club email accounts for safeguarding.
Take a look at the checksheet below, to see if you have all the policies and procedures in place to create a safe environment for participation.
We are pleased to offer FREE annual NWG Network membership (usually £99) to club welfare officers and physical activity providers in Lincolnshire working with children and young people. The membership will provide you with specialist support, hundreds of resources and discounted training relating to child and adolescent abuse and exploitation.
Follow the link to complete the form and Active Lincolnshire will register your free NWG Network membership.
Follow the link to view Active Lincolnshire's safeguarding policy