About us

Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

Get involved

Want to get involved with us? We depend on your collaboration to create and influence meaningful change. Find out how you can help Lincolnshire move more.

Research & Insights: Local Lincolnshire Data

We gather and commission insight on physical activity to help us and our partners to understand our audiences, their needs, and activity levels within Lincolnshire. By using an insight-based approach we can most effectively work to increase levels of activity within the county.

Delve deeper into some of our local data below.

Find out more about the Adult Active Lives survey here.

  • Lincolnshire Insight - Children and Young People

    Lincolnshire Insight

    Working with our partners at Press Red, we transform the data from the Active Lives survey into actionable insights, helping us plan the provision of physical activity and direct funding to the areas that need it most. This data gives us the opportunity to compare Lincolnshire’s activity levels with other areas, allowing us to see how active we are on a national scale.

    Based on the results of the 2019/ 2020 Active Lives Children & Young People survey results, Press Red have created a Lincolnshire Insight pack.

    Using Active Lives and Other data sources they have also created a mapping tool.

    Children & Young People - Lincolnshire Insight Pack

    Mapping Tool

    Active Lincolnshire facilitated an insight session delivered by Press Red on the activity levels of children and young people in Lincolnshire based on the results of the 2019/2020 Active Lives survey results. For more details about the survey results -including what they mean for Lincolnshire - take a look at the insight slides and watch a recording of the insight session below:

    Partner Insight Slides

    If you would like more information, or need support using the interactive mapping tool please contact: schools@activelincolnshire.com

  • Lincolnshire Insight - Adult

    Working with our partners at Press Red, we transform the data from the Active Lives survey into actionable insights, helping us plan the provision of physical activity and direct funding to the areas that need it most. This data gives us the opportunity to compare Lincolnshire’s activity levels with other areas, allowing us to see how active we are on a national scale.

    Based on the results of the 2019/ 2020 Active Lives survey results, Press Red have created a Lincolnshire Insight pack.

    Using Active Lives and Other data sources they have also created a mapping tool.

    Adult research pack

    Mapping tool

  • District Insight 2019

    District Insight (2019)

    Working with Press Red, we created an insight pack for each district of Lincolnshire based on the 2017 / 2018 Active Lives adult survey.

    Download a summary insight pack for each district of Lincolnshire below:

    East Lindsey

    City of Lincoln

    North Kesteven

    South Holland
    West Lindsey
    South Kesteven

    Download Health profiles for each district of Lincolnshire:

    East Lindsey

    City of Lincoln

    North Kesteven

    South Holland

    West Lindsey

    South Kesteven

  • North Kesteven physical activity data from residents survey.

    North Kesteven District Council have shared the latest report on physical activity from their 2022 annual resident survey.

    Take a look at the insight

  • England's Physically Inactive Coast - Turning the Tide on Physical Inactivity

    England's Physically Inactive Coast - Turning the Tide on Physical Inactivity

    Six Active Partnerships (APs) covering seven regions have formed the North East Coastal Active Partnership (NECAP). The partnership seeks to address the many health inequalities in coastal communities in these regions. This report from December 2020 outlines the issues and challenges we are trying to address, as well as highlighting case studies and projects from different areas.

Lincolnshire Insight

Working with our partners at Press Red, we transform the data from the Active Lives survey into actionable insights, helping us plan the provision of physical activity and direct funding to the areas that need it most. This data gives us the opportunity to compare Lincolnshire’s activity levels with other areas, allowing us to see how active we are on a national scale.

Based on the results of the 2019/ 2020 Active Lives Children & Young People survey results, Press Red have created a Lincolnshire Insight pack.

Using Active Lives and Other data sources they have also created a mapping tool.

Children & Young People - Lincolnshire Insight Pack

Mapping Tool

Active Lincolnshire facilitated an insight session delivered by Press Red on the activity levels of children and young people in Lincolnshire based on the results of the 2019/2020 Active Lives survey results. For more details about the survey results -including what they mean for Lincolnshire - take a look at the insight slides and watch a recording of the insight session below:

Partner Insight Slides

If you would like more information, or need support using the interactive mapping tool please contact: schools@activelincolnshire.com

Working with our partners at Press Red, we transform the data from the Active Lives survey into actionable insights, helping us plan the provision of physical activity and direct funding to the areas that need it most. This data gives us the opportunity to compare Lincolnshire’s activity levels with other areas, allowing us to see how active we are on a national scale.

Based on the results of the 2019/ 2020 Active Lives survey results, Press Red have created a Lincolnshire Insight pack.

Using Active Lives and Other data sources they have also created a mapping tool.

Adult research pack

Mapping tool

District Insight (2019)

Working with Press Red, we created an insight pack for each district of Lincolnshire based on the 2017 / 2018 Active Lives adult survey.

Download a summary insight pack for each district of Lincolnshire below:

East Lindsey

City of Lincoln

North Kesteven

South Holland
West Lindsey
South Kesteven

Download Health profiles for each district of Lincolnshire:

East Lindsey

City of Lincoln

North Kesteven

South Holland

West Lindsey

South Kesteven

North Kesteven District Council have shared the latest report on physical activity from their 2022 annual resident survey.

Take a look at the insight

England's Physically Inactive Coast - Turning the Tide on Physical Inactivity

Six Active Partnerships (APs) covering seven regions have formed the North East Coastal Active Partnership (NECAP). The partnership seeks to address the many health inequalities in coastal communities in these regions. This report from December 2020 outlines the issues and challenges we are trying to address, as well as highlighting case studies and projects from different areas.