Your Active Voice
Take our survey for the Lincolnshire sport and physical activity sector
Discover the research and insights collected from adults across Lincolnshire and learn more about how the UK's adult population is engaging with physical activity.
Sport England’s Active Lives surveys give a unique and comprehensive view of activity levels across England, giving local authorities, organisations and Active Partnerships the insights they need to create inclusive activity opportunities.
For more information about the Children and Young People survey, please visit our children’s insight page. For a local interpretation of the Active Lives data, visit our Lincolnshire insight page.
The Active Lives Adult Survey explores how the population is engaging with sport and physical activity, as well as measuring attitudes towards physical activity in general.
Discover the results of the latest Active Lives surveys below
For more information about the reports, including results from older surveys, visit Sport England's website.
Working with our partners at Press Red, we transform the data from the Active Lives survey into actionable insights, helping us plan the provision of physical activity and direct funding to the areas that need it most. This data gives us the opportunity to compare Lincolnshire’s activity levels with other areas, allowing us to see how active we are on a national scale.
Based on the results of the 2019/ 2020 Active Lives survey results, Press Red have created a Lincolnshire Insight pack.
Using Active Lives and Other data sources they have also created a mapping tool.
The Active Lives online tool allows you to explore and filter the data from the surveys yourself. Whether it’s data for a specific area or insights on a particular group of people, this handy online tool makes it easy to find the data you need.