About us

Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

Get involved

Want to get involved with us? We depend on your collaboration to create and influence meaningful change. Find out how you can help Lincolnshire move more.

Knowledge Hub: Health and Care Professionals

Within the Knowledge Hub, we share resources, links, insight, guidance and advice to help health and care professionals with their work, getting more people more active, more often.

From social prescribing to pre and post-natal services, discover support for health and care professionals to include activity in advice to patients.

Health & Care Professionals Newsletter

Connecting health & physical activity in Lincolnshire. Sign up to our regular Health & Care Professionals Newsletter to receive advice, insight, case studies and news direct to your inbox each month.