Your Active Voice
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Help eliminate single use plastic and encourage people to reuse, recycling and repair.
By leading the way in sustainability and setting a good example, sporting events can influence others to do the same at home, in their work place and at other events.
This guide produced by the Environment Agency’s Plastics and Sustainability Team focuses on ways to reduce plastic at running, cycling and triathlon events.
Useful advice and tips for identifying areas in your club where you could reduce the use of plastics.
Guidance to support clubs to think about how to reduce plastic use in their clubhouse.
Leisure Loop Recycle Scheme. Help join the campaign to divert 15 tons of pool waste, such as flip flops, pool noodles, floats and googles, armbands etc from UK landfills in 2023.
Pool waste that would normally be discarded into landfills, can now be collected, recycled and reused into new products for the industry.
Jog on removes 1 million running shoes from landfill - encourage your participants or customers to recycle their running shoes.