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Supporting the Sport & Physical Activity Sector to manage the cost of living crisis.
With clubs and physical activity providers still recovering from the financial impact of the various phases of Covid restrictions, rising energy (and other) costs, as well a reduction in income for residents facing cost of living challenges, the sport and physical activity sector is facing a challenging time. We've gathered together some advice and support for the sector.
Buddle (Previously Club Matters) have a range of information for clubs to help with managing money, costs, emergency financial planning and budgeting.
Links to guides, webinars, resources to support small charities to navigate the challenges of the cost of living crisis on employees, volunteers, and organisations.
Useful information that can be passed onto club members with support and guidance to ease the pressures of the current cost of living.
The VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme helps voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (VCSEs) across England to deliver more efficient services for people and communities by saving money on their energy bills.
The scheme offers independent energy assessments to offer energy saving advice in your building. The scheme can also offer capital grants to implement findings from your assessment.
Guidance for clubs and organisations to take stock of their current situation and develop action plans to reduce their energy costs and impact on carbon zero agenda
Watch this webinar to find out more about your renewable energy options, with expert advice from the Energy Saving Trust.
The FA have lots of practical hints and tips to help your club or organisation to deal with rising energy costs by becoming more energy efficient.
We've gathered together links to financial support and grants that are available to help individuals, groups, organisations and businesses with the cost of Living Crisis. You might also want to take a look at our funding pages, for further funding and grants available to the physical activity sector.
Charitable trust and foundation and other sources of cost of living crisis grant funding for UK charities, community groups and individuals, including core unrestricted grants and for energy bills and food
Thrive Lincolnshire is a campaign to raise £1M, by inviting individuals, corporate and other partners to donate to the appeal. This will fund work such as debt advice, warm spaces, food banks, domestic abuse, mental health, families, people with disabilities, older people etc. In fundraising stage at the moment. Grants not yet available
To alliviate the impact of the cost of living crisis, support organisations such as charities and community groups, as well as individuals can apply for a range of grants.
Funding may be available from a range of sources including:
Grants Online is in the process of pulling these funding sources together and to list them in one place.
District Council are sharing facts and pointers to the wide range of help and support that is available to individuals, groups and businesses.
Aimed at orgnisations who work in the sport & physical activity sector, this research explores our current, collective understanding of how the cost of living impacts people's activity levels and shares some ideas on how to help people get, or remain, active at low or no cost.
How the cost of living crisis is critically impacting our groups and young people. Find out how you can support the campaign.
Youth Sport Trust are providing cost of living support for schools to keep young people active. Alongside research and reports they have a range of free activity resources for schools, as well as offers and support from other organisations.