Your Active Voice
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Discover opportunities to become a volunteer within the sport, physical activity and leisure sector in Lincolnshire here. As well as how clubs and organisations can find and develop volunteers.
Looking to volunteer? The sport and activity sector has a whole host of voluntary opportunities – from being a coach or activity leader to taking care of the admin behind the scenes.
Volunteering is an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only does it allow you to give back to your local community, but it also gives you a chance to develop new skills – which can be great for your CV. Whether you’re volunteering on a regular basis or at a one-off event, you’ll play an essential part in ensuring the activity runs smoothly. Without volunteers, grassroots sports and activities wouldn’t be able to happen.
Discover volunteering opportunities across Lincolnshire below.
There are lots of new and exciting opportunities being added to the Voluntary Centre Services database every day.
Finding the right volunteering opportunity is easy. You can either book an appointment online to speak with one of the volunteer advisers at Voluntary Centre Services or contact your local Volunteer Centre to arrange an appointment.
Voluntary Centre Service also list their current opportunities on their website, where you can find opportunities from Assistant Youth/Sports Leaders, Garden Club leaders at your local heritage site or community group, Therapy Assistants, Trustee opportunities, event volunteers and much more.
Sign up to become a Parkrun volunteer at your local event.
The volunteers make Parkrun happen; they run the local events and take on roles such as Event Director, Run Director, Equipment Delivery & Storage, Event Day Course Check, Pre-event Setup, First Timers Briefing, Sign Language Support, Marshals, VI Guide, Tail Walker, Timekeeper, Finish Tokens, Funnel Manager, Barcode Scanning, Number Checker, and much much more.
Discover how to become a volunteer for your local Parkrun here.
Wellbeing Walks are short walks, led by friendly, specially trained volunteer walk leaders, who are on hand to provide encouragement and support.
If you'd like any further information about volunteering on the Lincolnshire Coop Wellbeing Walks please get in touch with, or telephone 01522 544 632.
Dedicated volunteers are essential to supporting grassroots sport and community physical activity sessions. Find out how to find advertise your opportunities below.
Find volunteer recruitment and group support through Volunteer Centre Services.
The Big Help Out takes place between 7 - 9 June 2024, and is encouraging people across the nation to get involved in the biggest Mass volunteering event of the year! Advertise Your Opportunities on the Big Help Out Platform.
Volunteers make up the majority of the workforce for clubs and activities, so they play a crucial role in making sure the activity runs smoothly. That's why it's important for clubs, groups and any other organisation that utilises volunteers to make sure they feel valued for the time and energy they commit.
Investing in your volunteers not only helps to retain your current workforce but also attracts new volunteers - giving you a larger, stronger team to help deliver your activity or event.
To make things easy, Buddle have produced a comprehensive toolkit to help clubs and groups recruit, train and develop their volunteer workforce.