About us

Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

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About Let's Move Lincolnshire

‘Let’s Move Lincolnshire’ is the countywide movement with a shared vision for creating a more active Lincolnshire.

Getting Lincolnshire active

The original ‘Let’s Move Lincolnshire‘ blueprint was launched in 2018. It is now time for a review of the strategy and to build a shared approach to tackling the challenge of inactivity and inequalities locally.

The Let's Move Lincolnshire Strategy

There are two significant catalysts that make a review of the countywide strategy relevant and essential:

  • Sport England has recently launched ‘Uniting the Movement’ a 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through physical activity. The strategy focuses on five big issues underpinned by the need to tackle inequalities.
  • The impact of the unprecedented pandemic people’s health and wellbeing and the viability, resilience and relevance of the physical activity, leisure and sport sector to our communities

Other catalysts driving the strategy review are:

  • A recognised need to understand what matters to the people of Lincolnshire to inform how we tackle the challenge of inactivity
  • Understanding of and a shared approach to population health, local health inequalities and the impact of inactivity
  • Emerging Integrated Care System (ICS) structure and countywide health and wellbeing agenda
  • Lincolnshire’s Carbon-neutral ambition
  • The local inclusive growth agenda, ‘levelling-up’ and supporting sustainable economies
  • The available insight, learning and research about our people and places
  • Impact of the health and wellbeing of the population on economic prosperity and productivity
  • Skills and employability challenges and opportunities

The purpose of Let's Move Lincolnshire

The purpose of Let’s Move Lincolnshire is to provide the framework that brings Lincolnshire’s shared vision for a more active county together. It enables all partners with a role to play in supporting our people to be more active to understand the local needs, align resources, learn from each other and ensure no people or places are left behind. The strategy development will enable all partners to:

  • agree with a fit for purpose shared approach to tackling the challenge of inactivity in light of the significant recent catalysts for change
  • respond to Sport England’s Uniting the Movement strategy and implement it locally
  • start with the end in mind – agree on our ten-year vision for Lincolnshire, and where we will be at points through that journey
  • understand and demonstrate how system partners are working towards a shared vision
  • understand local needs and provide services that meet the needs of our population
  • identify how and where physical activity aligns with, contributes to and adds value to other strategies and agenda including inclusive growth, carbon-neutral, health and wellbeing and obesity.
  • identify potential programmes and investment opportunities that bring the vision to life
  • clearly articulate the need for and purpose of Let’s Move Lincolnshire

If you would like to be involved and support us as we evolve the strategy, contact Emma Tatlow.

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The new countywide website with information about ways to be active in Lincolnshire. Find out how to get involved, and get Lincolnshire moving.

Website and Activity Finder

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