Active Skills Hub
Supporting Lincolnshire's sport & physical activity workforce
Let’s Move Lincolnshire
Strategy 2022 | Chapter 9
For Lincolnshire to become a place where everyone has the opportunity to be physically active every day, residents and stakeholders must work together to achieve the Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy.
Every action that helps others to engage with activity whether that’s putting in bike parking at school, health professionals explaining what activities are safe to do as part of managing your long-term health condition, businesses offering cycle to work schemes, friends having a regular walk before going for a weekly coffee and cake, coaching the local under 8’s tag rugby/football/hockey/basketball etc team, planning housing developments to be more walking and cycling friendly, villages halls timetabling physical activity sessions and opening up toilets for walking groups to use, or a parish council improving the pitches and playgrounds.
These things all aid residents to make more active choices, lead more active lives and reap the benefits that it brings.
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