About us

Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

Get involved

Want to get involved with us? We depend on your collaboration to create and influence meaningful change. Find out how you can help Lincolnshire move more.

Recover & Reinvent

One of our 6 key themes

“Recovering from the biggest crisis in a generation and reinventing as a vibrant, relevant and sustainable network of organisations providing sport and physical activity opportunities that meet the needs of different people.”
Sport England, 2021

The pandemic took a heavy toll on the physical activity, sport and leisure sector, across Lincolnshire, across the UK and right around the world. Let’s Move Lincolnshire will give the sector the support it needs for a strong, sustainable recovery, reinventing it to better meet the needs of our diverse communities, and empowering people to live more active lives.

We’ll make sure the sector is resilient and agile in meeting the needs of less-active residents. At the heart of this will be the creation of positive experiences – readily available and accessible to individuals, families and groups of friends. A key priority will be developing the sector workforce so they’re able to make this happen and better serve local people all over Lincolnshire.

We’ll bring people and organisations together. That means working collaboratively, county-wide, to do the best for our communities, whatever organisation we’re part of. It also means creating meaningful, supportive community networks that harness the power of physical activity as a connector – a way for residents to share experiences and build new relationships.

Finally, we’ll create a clear, unified message around getting active and moving more – encouraging people right across the county to take positive steps for their health and wellbeing.

What we'll do

  • Create positive experiences for everyone to be active, based on understanding the complexity of people’s lives and addressing challenges head on.
  • Develop the physical activity and sport sector’s workforce to meet the current and future needs of the local population.
  • Bring Lincolnshire’s voices into decision making and design of the places, spaces, activities and opportunities to be active across the county.
  • Establish meaningful, collaborative networks across the physical activity sport and leisure sector and wider.
  • Make it easier to find ways to be active where you live, work, train or travel.
  • Create clear, consistent messages about how, why, and where to be physically active.

Our priorities

Six key themes make up our Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy, defining our goals, challenges and opportunities, as well as the way we’ll work together to achieve positive, life-changing results for our communities.