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Find out how to access funding to secure a defibrillators at your sports club, business or community venue.
Recent tragic Cardiac Arrest events involving professional sportspersons at the peak of their fitness show that Cardiac Arrest can happen to absolutely ANYONE at ANY TIME and ANYWHERE
If someone goes into cardiac arrest without a defibrillator, they have a 7% chance of survival. If a defibrillator is on the patient within the first 3-5 minutes, the chances of survival are over 70%
PADs are defibrillators placed in public places and accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The defibrillators are kept in an external cabinet, so when someone calls 999 in an emergency, the call handler can direct you to where the nearest defibrillator is. While an ambulance is on the way to the scene, bystanders can commence CPR and defibrillation before paramedics arrive.
Find out more about grants and support available below.
London Hearts are helping to fund Defibrillators in sports clubs all over the country. When someone has a cardiac arrest, timely intervention is the key to survival. By making more defibrillators available, and by training more people to use them, the better the chance of survival for a cardiac arrest victim.
London Hearts have now launched an initiative to assist sports clubs in obtaining this life-saving equipment, offering a £300 grant towards the cost of every Defibrillator across the whole of the UK.
With every Defibrillator they supply, free online training will also be provided.
This initiative will remain in place until the funding is exhausted.
An investment from the Premier League to install Automated External Defibrillators (AED) and external storage cabinets at thousands of grassroots football facilities, aimed at helping save the life of someone experiencing a sudden cardiac arrest.
The West Lindsey Community Defibrillator Service provides new defibrillators and helps maintain existing devices in public locations throughout West Lindsey.
Through this service they can provide:
Eligible organisations can apply to have a new defibrillator installed for wider community access. The defibrillators are part funded, but a financial contribution of £400 must be made. The contribution can come from the applying organisation, local fundraising or grant funding (you can't use other West Lindsey District Council grant funding as your contribution to this service).
If you use community facilities to deliver your activities but don’t own an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), knowing how to access an AED at the venues you use will help to save precious time in the event of an emergency. Buddle have guidance on how to use an AED and questions to ask venues you use. Visit the Buddle website.
The Circuit is The British Heart Foundation's defibrillator network, providing a nationwide overview of where defibrillators can be found. Many defibrillators never get used because emergency services don’t know where they are or how to access them. If you have a defibrillator that isn't register, visit the link below to add it to the Circuit.
Learn CPR
Learn CPR in 15 minutes for free with RevivR through the British Heart Foundation's online training.