Courses, Workshops & Upskilling Opportunities
Discover workshops, courses, and upskilling opportunities available for your workforce, including safeguarding, funding & fundraising, mental health awareness and much more.
Please get in contact to find out more or request a course.
This e-learning collection from BMJ Learning, is aimed at medical professional. It highlights the importance of physical activity and how it can produce health benefits with detailed evidence-based summaries on how it can prevent and improve specific conditions such as cancer, diabetes and mental health.
This qualification is suitable for fitness professionals who would like to offer exercise sessions and classes tailored specifically for pre and postnatal (ante and postnatal) women. This course is suitable for anyone with the passion to work with women during pregnancy and when they become new mums. Regardless of the field of fitness you are in, all instructors benefit from the knowledge delivered in this qualification.
This is a bite-sized session to give health and care professionals an overview of physical activity - including key evidence, data and signposts to trusted resources to help prevent illness, protect health and promote wellbeing. Provided by e-learning for healthcare.
Provided by Yorkshire & Humber Learning Community, this 1 hour learning will guide you through LGBTQ+ inclusion, making you more aware of research and statistics, and how you can make your setting more inclusive.
This free eLearning resource from Education For Heath is designed for anyone who supports children and young people with asthma. We recommend reading through the course information sections below before starting the eLearning module.
There is increasing evidence that swimming is a cost-effective activity that will help to save the NHS money. As a result, Swim England, with partners from its Swimming and Health Commission group have supported the development of this elearning to further highlight the unique benefits of aquatic activity and swimming, to increase consideration of water-based activity and discussions with patients about the opportunity within healthcare and community settings.