About us

Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.

Our Work

As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.

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This Girl Can

This Girl Can, funded by The National Lottery, believes that there’s no “right” way to get active.

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This Girl Can is an award-winning campaign launched in 2015 and funded by the National Lottery that seeks to tell the real stories of women who get active or play sport in the way that’s right for them, using images that show what activity really looks like in all its sweaty, jiggly glory.

This Girl Can Campaign Hub

Closing the Enjoyment Gap

Since 2015 This Girl Can have inspired 2.9 million phenomenal women to get active in all their sweaty, jiggly glory. Everyday women with relatable bodies gave judgement the finger and got moving in ways that worked for them.

But despite this progress, there is still more to do. Research shows that the pandemic and cost-of-living crisis have had a disproportionate impact on women. Meaning they have less to spend on weekly budgets and less time to spend on themselves. As a result, their activity levels have fallen and show little sign of recovery. So how can we make a change? 2.4 million fewer women than men strongly agree that they enjoy getting active. We call this the enjoyment gap. And it’s up to all of us to close it.

The enjoyment gap is not inevitable and is completely fixable by challenging the practical and structural obstacles that make activity feel less welcoming for women. Focusing on making activity more safe, social, self-affirming and suitable for women. With you, we will reshape women’s experiences to welcome all women with open arms. With you, we will challenge one another to act on women’s needs. With you, we will change so that no woman is left behind. With you, we can make a real difference to how women experience activity.

Find resources to help you close the enjoyment gap on This Girl Can Campaign Hub.