Your Active Voice
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We are committed to delivering a local system-wide approach through Let’s Move Lincolnshire the countywide strategy for physical activity - recognising the multiple stakeholders, environmental, policy, cultural, societal and organisational influences that impact peoples’ ability to be active. We recognise that one size does not fit all and every place within Lincolnshire is not the same, where people are key to everything we do, we are committed to delivering on universal sector-wide goals as well as striving towards a place-based approach that will have relevant and meaningful impact for local communities.
By working alongside our partners to tackle the barriers to physical activity facing the population of Lincolnshire, we embrace our position as a leader and lean on our extensive expertise, data, insight, partner relationships, networks and knowledge to do so.
Our strategic goals focus attention on the elements that will leverage the most change and align to our vision.By 2027 we are committed to:
The Let’s Move Lincolnshire movement and shared delivery plan will be clearly defined and in action, with fully engaged stakeholders, showcasing through powerful storytelling our collective impact on reducing the inequalities in physical activity.
We will have implemented a data and insight-driven place-based approach to attract investment, drive scalability, and facilitate knowledge exchange in Lincolnshire through strategic partnerships and communication.
We will have a strong countywide offer that demonstrates our impact in supporting a resilient physical activity sector and impactful promotion of accessible options and pathways to be or become active.
To support this is our commitment to good governance and organisation performance; delivering against the code of sports governance and our core role from Sport England to activate and enable the ‘Uniting the Movement’ strategy at a local level.
Follow the link below to read our business plan, and see the Our Work section to find out more about more about what we do.
Active Lincolnshire’s Business Plan 2024 – 2027 represents a pivotal moment in our journey as a leader for physical activity, with a primary focus on reducing inequality in access to active lifestyles.
Follow the link to read our Business Plan.