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Our team of dedicated and passionate staff commit their years of experience, enthusiasm and knowledge to ensuring that Lincolnshire is a place where everyone has the opportunity to be physically active every day.
Emma is responsible for the strategic direction of the organisation, ensuring the charity is meeting its objectives and requirements of core funders, leading and supporting the team to excel at their work by providing an environment where staff can thrive and feel empowered to achieve Active Lincolnshire's mission.
Passionate about collaboration, Emma believes the best way to make a long-term, sustainable difference in our county’s activity levels and overall health is by enabling partners and people to work together towards our shared vision. She ensures that a focus on inequalities and tackling barriers to participation are core to our work.
Gemma leads the organisation’s efforts to build a resilient and forward-thinking physical activity sector across Lincolnshire. She drives strategic initiatives focused on developing the sector's workforce, enhancing facilities, and ensuring safe, inclusive environments for everyone to engage in physical activity.
Gemma also provides leadership for the organisation's work with children and young people, aiming to create lasting impact. Aligning these efforts with the Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy, she connects multiple projects to advocate for change and influence stakeholders, ensuring a healthier, more active future for all.
Clare is responsible for driving the charity's business growth and strategic alignment. She oversees stakeholder stewardship and engagement, strategic communications, and financial performance, leading the team to ensure the organisation’s core functions support its vision.
Clare has extensive experience in business growth, stakeholder engagement and building effective partnerships. Her expertise in these areas, along with a passion for inclusive leadership and fostering a culture of collaboration, supports Active Lincolnshire's mission and success.
Jonathan leads on our collaborative place-based approach to working, creating a sustainable framework and building our capabilities for insight, intelligence, evaluation and impact. He is responsible for mobilising the Let’s Move Lincolnshire strategy, connecting and enabling our system partners to support an active Lincolnshire.
Jonathan is driven to support communities to find ‘their’ way to a more active life; his background across operations, public health and the physical activity sector help him work with others to deliver true systemic change.
Richard works with National Governing Bodies of sports (NGBs) and local sports clubs to promote and support effective safeguarding and welfare practices. He is part of the Sport Welfare Officer Network aimed at supporting club welfare officers.
Richard has a wide range of experience in safeguarding and welfare, gained through a variety of previous roles, that enables him to effectively support clubs and organisations.
Ian develops and delivers multiple projects and programmes that support through partners, and directly engage the people in Lincolnshire facing the highest levels of inequalities. He is also responsible for our Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP).
As a wheelchair user himself, and with over 20 years of experience in the sector, Ian understands the challenges so many in the county face and is here to build a more accessible sport and physical activity sector.
Paul is responsible for overseeing the marketing for Active Lincolnshire, showcasing the positive work that we and our partners do and supporting the development of a resilient sector.
As custodians of Let's Move Lincolnshire, Paul manages the marketing across our resident facing brand that aims to inspire and support more people to be active.
Katie is instrumental in expanding our impact by building strong partnerships and engaging a wide range of stakeholders throughout Lincolnshire. Her focus is on connecting with traditional physical activity sector and non-traditional partners to enhance local delivery systems and maximise opportunities.
Katie leverages insights, data, research and lived experience to drive strategic initiatives and unite various organisations and stakeholders.
Katie will be joining us in April.
Contact details to follow.
Charlotte brings the work that Active Lincolnshire does across the county to life. She is responsible for creating website and social media content that supports and informs the people we work with.
She also works with partners on local and national campaigns to inspire behaviour change in Lincolnshire residents through the Let's Move Lincolnshire brand.
Niki plays a significant role in leading our focused place-based expansion work to create positive change in the health of our communities. Influencing and bringing together multiple parties to create a movement in enabling our communities to be active.
Working with Jono, is focused on the Sport England funded place-based expansion approach, ensuring we enable and influence partners and communities to address inequalities in physical activity in Boston and East Lindsay.
Niki will be joining us in April.
Contact details to follow.
Laura is responsible for delivery of our upskilling initiative which offers learning opportunities to individuals working in, or with a desire to work in, the Sport and Physical Activity sector. Based in the coastal area of Lincolnshire, Laura is our community contact for East Lindsey.
With a background in delivery herself, Laura has a passion for supporting community instructors, coaches, aspiring managers and the many other occupations in our sector at all stages of their career.
Emily supports the essential functions of our charity. She ensures effective governance and business administration through ensuring the highest standards of policies and procedures are developed and implemented, contributing to our vision of enabling more people to be more active more often.
Emily leads on the implementation of governance and compliance including the Code of Sports Governance and acting as secretary to the Board of Trustees.
Stuart manages our Skills project in South Holland, which provides funding and training opportunities for individuals seeking to enter or progress within the sport and physical activity sector. Stuart also leads our research and insight work, supporting a place-based approach to tackling health inequalities.
Currently studying an MSc in Public Health, Stuart brings a background in education and a strong commitment to championing physical activity as a transformative tool for communities.
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