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We’re working with Lincolnshire CCG and Active Dorset to run a pilot programme to embed physical activity across the healthcare system.
The aim of the programme is to develop better links with the healthcare sector, understanding more about how healthcare professionals can provide relevant information to patients and how they can influence and encourage people to incorporate activity into their daily lives.
Read more about the pilot programme by following the link below.
The concept of social prescribing is that GPs and other healthcare professionals refer patients to community and voluntary services, either in addition to or instead of traditional medication. The aim is to address patients’ needs in a holistic, personalised way.
Active Lincolnshire works in partnership with the social prescribing network across the county to:
As part of the Let’s Move Lincolnshire initiative, we coordinate Think Active – a group of stakeholders that come together to promote the positive links between mental health and physical activity. Through networking, understanding and influencing, Think Active aims to support system change and create connections with the stakeholders working in these sectors.
In 2021, Active Lincolnshire received a grant from LPFT to develop Think Active groups, providing activity sessions and giving participants the opportunity to talk to each other about mental health.
Working with Better Births, One You Lincolnshire and Public Health, Active Lincolnshire leads Lincolnshire’s pre and post-natal programme, ensuring new and expectant parents have access to information and advice from healthcare professionals about leading an active lifestyle. The programme also supports parents to understand the importance of their children being active from an early age.