Active Skills Hub
Supporting Lincolnshire's sport & physical activity workforce
A prosperous, productive Lincolnshire requires a healthy workforce. That’s why we work with companies to promote physical activity and wellbeing across their organisation, from lunchtime leg stretches to standing desks and walking meetings.
The benefits of physical activity on the economy are numerous. Not only does an active population reduce the strain on local health and wellbeing services, but it also drives economic growth. In 2017/18, England’s combined economic and social value of taking part in physical activity was £85.5 billion. For every £1 spent on community sport and physical activity, a return on investment of £3.91 was created for individuals and society.
These economic benefits are, in part, the result of a healthier workforce. People who are more physically active in their day-to-day lives are more productive at work, with reduced absenteeism and an extended working life. Taking part in physical activity has also been linked to improved job opportunities for people of all backgrounds, helping to reduce unemployment rates and address inequalities in the workforce.
The importance of physical activity becomes especially prevalent in older members of staff. The over-50 workforce is more likely to develop long-term health conditions, which can result in a significant loss of productivity, or even see those team members withdraw from the workforce entirely. By supporting physical activity in the over-50s, we can help reduce the number of people on disability benefits and increase the average working age of the local population.
As well as improving people’s working lives, the sport, physical activity and leisure sector also creates opportunities for skills development and apprenticeships – both within the sector and through supporting roles such as management, leadership, catering, and much, much more.