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As we increasingly look to understand the impact of our work, how we learn and share our learnings, and how we develop our approach based on these learnings, it is important for us to take the time to understand, reflect and develop the organisation. While we monitor, measure and evaluate all of our work, it is not always possible, or relevant, to count outputs.
One of the ways we understand our impact is through Active Lincolnshire’s participation in Quest, the performance management framework provided by Sport England.
Quest provides a framework, space and expertise to undertake regular reviews of the impact Active Lincolnshire has against local and national priorities. In 2021, Active Lincolnshire undertook a Quest learning process that built on our full performance management improvement framework review in 2019. This learning process enabled us to explore the impact of the delivery of our primary role – which is to understand and influence local systems to tackle the challenge of inactivity.
The process included two workshops facilitated by a Quest assessor that included stakeholders, the team, our trustees, and leaders of other Active Partnerships – Hayley Lever, CEO of Greater Sport, Jason Fergus, Director of Active Essex, and Graeme Sinott from the Active Partnerships national team.
For more information about our performance improvement, please contact Emma Tatlow.