Your Active Voice
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Active Lincolnshire is a charity, receiving funding from Sport England and other public sector sources. Our Board of Trustees and team members are committed to upholding the highest standards of governance.
Active Lincolnshire is a registered charity. Funded by Sport England, we comply with Tier 3 of the Code of Sports Governance. The Code sets out the level of transparency, accountability and financial integrity required from Active Lincolnshire. Therefore our governance and compliance meets with the requirements of the charities commission and with the Code, and we are committed to good governance and compliance.
Our board of Trustees are responsible for oversight of the strategic direction of the organisation and are highly skilled and capable to drive the organisation forward. The Governance and Standards Committee are a subgroup of the main Board and regulatory review our policies and procedures and advise main Board.
Follow the links below to view our plans and policies and find out more about our priorities and strategic direction.
We are committed to an inclusive organisational culture, workforce, and board and championing and enabling diversity and inclusion across the sport and physical activity sector. View our Diversity and Inclusion Action plan and our EDI policy.
Our commitment to EDIOur Environmental, Social Governance plan sets out our commitment to positive environmental and social impact, and how we can influence and support the sport and physical activity sector in supporting more environmentally sustainable practices.
Our Environmental, Social Governance planOur People Plan sets out our commitment to providing an environment in which our people can make the vision of more people, more active, more often, a reality.
Our People PlanWe are committed to the welfare and wellbeing of participants in sport and physical activity, and to making sport and active recreation accessible to all sections of the community and promoting the safety and welfare of those engaged in sporting activities locally.
Our published articles of association, audited accounts and annual impact reports and other governance documents.
View our documentsPlease check back soon to read our Stakeholder plan.